How to Organize a PhD Dissertation? Advice on Structure

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Dissertation Proposal Format That Will Ensure Approval Of Your Research

You have done some extensive research for your dissertation proposal and now want to place it down on paper. However, you do not just start writing without an outline. If you are not sure about the format, you can get a dissertation proposal sample online or in a library. Essentially, there is a standard dissertation proposal format that you should follow and it includes the sections highlighted below.


Under the dissertation proposal template that you choose, this is the first section. This is necessary when you the dissertation proposal writing is long. It includes a summary of the topic you are researching.

Introduction statement

When writing a dissertation proposal, this section is essential in explaining why the research is important. You justify the research and capture the attention of the reader using this section. It is usually 2-3 sentences long. It also includes your education background.

Literature review

In dissertation proposal writing, this section showcases the theories and previous studies relevant to your research. You do not have to know what is present in the field in this section; nonetheless, you should ensure that you familiarize yourself with your area of study as it has advanced over the years. For instance, if you are doing research on how computers computer-mediated communication has changed how people handle their daily affairs, you should have ready examples here. The organization of your content should be thematic and relate to your research questions.

Proposed agenda

When considering the dissertation proposal how to write what you investigate should be tackled in this section. You showcase the nature of your research methodology. Should the methodology be qualitative, you make use of ethnography, interviews, or hermeneutic methods. If you use a quantitative approach, statistical data or questionnaires are used.

Timeline or outline of your chapters

This chapter ensures that you present the dissertation proposal defense with the plan you have from the beginning of your research through to the end. Include the milestones you use to gauge your progress as this will give you a good determination of when you expect to complete the dissertation proposal from the onset.

Required resource

In any dissertation proposal sample, you will find a section that offers a budget for the research. This budget includes resources such as skills training, research assistants and other factors to include in your funding. Essentially, these resources and/or funding provide for the completion of your research.

Ethical statement

A dissertation proposal template has this section to ensure you consider the ethical issues that may arise based on your research question. For instance, if you are doing research on the legalization of abortion, you need to know how to tackle religious respondents who may be biased by their beliefs about the issue. In addition, you need to consider the fact that your respondents are human beings and you should consider their welfare when getting material on the field.

Anticipated results

You should have some expectations before going to the field for your research. What new information do you intend to uncover? Any of these hypotheses should be given here so as to qualify or disqualify the said hypothesis after fieldwork.

Bibliography/ works cited

Under this section, any dissertation proposal example will give you a list of all the material used in the research process. Use the citation style that is appropriate to your respective discipline.

Using the above guideline you have a great template or outline for your dissertation proposal.

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